
Web Service for Social Curation of Knowledge Contents

Pickt is a knowledge contents curation service developed with Ruby on Rails. The motivation was to develop a content scrapping service similar to Pocket (http://getpocket.com/) or Readability (https://readability.com/) but focused on sharing a ‘list’ of the contents instead of individual contents. The list, a package or sequence of contents, has value as a content in itself. (Just like blog posts about ‘Must Reads’)

Demo: http://pickt.herokuapp.com/



  • Translated ideas to actual web service

Technology Stack

  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku

Ruby Gems Used

  • Contents Scrap - ruby-readability
  • Authentication - sorcery
  • Admin Interface - activeadmin
  • File Attachment - carrierwave