
Online Marketplace for Secondhanded Luxury Products

Wishtrue is a web service for selling secondhanded luxury products developed with Ruby on Rails. Visually designed by a colleague designer, the whole service from top to bottom was developed by me as a contract developer. I was also responsible for designing the database structure by reflecting the client’s business needs.

Demo: http://wishtrue.herokuapp.com/



  • Communicated and translated business requirements to structured web service
  • Developed full-featured web service including payment gateway and secure server support with Ruby on Rails

Technology Stack

  • Twitter Bootstrap / jQuery / AngularJS (partial)
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker (partial) / Dokku
  • olleh ucloud biz - Korean local cloud server provider similar to AWS

Ruby Gems Used

  • Authentication - sorcery
  • Admin Interface - activeadmin
  • File Attachment - carrierwave